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Drone Technology

By May 9, 2023May 11th, 2023Land

It is not unusual for me to put my drone up on a piece of property to take a look from an additional perspective. You may have seen my recent video of drone footage “Taller Boots” ( In the land industry, there are a growing number of ways technology is making things more efficient, accurate, and possible. Drone technology offers unprecedented insight into properties by helping land advisors assess market values, analyze current conditions onsite, and even look at infrastructure opportunities or development options.

Overview of Drone Technology and its Use in Land Real Estate
Drones have revolutionized the world of land real estate. Capable of capturing high-quality aerial footage and capturing images with incredible precision, drones have enabled real estate professionals to showcase properties in ways that were previously impossible. From detailed land surveys to capturing breathtaking views of sprawling estates, drones and expertise in capturing drone footage are part of an indispensable tool in the world of land real estate. Moreover, drones are not just useful for capturing stunning images. They also aid in inspecting hard-to-reach places and identifying potential safety hazards, such as roof damage or foundation issues. High-tech drones can be equipped with 3D mapping capabilities, GPS tracking, and high-quality cameras making them a powerful tool for land advisors, enabling them to capture highly accurate data, saving time and costs.

Benefits of Using Drones to Explore Land
The use of drones in surveying land has, in my opinion, become one of the most valuable tools for land agents due to its ability to capture high-quality images and data that would otherwise be difficult to obtain. The ability to cover large areas efficiently and accurately is a massive advantage for those in the land industry. Additionally, drones are capable of reaching inaccessible areas that would be much more difficult to access.

Types of Data Collected with Drones
Drone technology continues to advance, expanding the types of data that can be collected. Whether it’s for mapping, surveying, or monitoring, drones can provide a bird’s-eye view for an array of industries. However, there are issues to consider with the use of drones for data collection. Privacy concerns, technical glitches, weather conditions, and in my case, the occasional branch, are just a few of the drawbacks that drone pilots must keep in mind before taking off. Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of using drones for data collection make it a field worth exploring further.

Legal Regulations Surrounding Drone Usage for Land Real Estate
A rise in drone usage leads to a need to understand the legal regulations surrounding drone operation. Many experts in the field have highlighted the importance of adhering to these regulations in order to avoid any legal complications. It is crucial to understand that drone usage comes with certain restrictions and limitations that must be followed. To avoid any penalties or legal issues, it is important to be aware of the regulations and to consult with experts in the field before using a drone for land real estate purposes. By doing this, you can ensure that you are operating safely and within the boundaries of the law.

Drones Provide Advantages
Drones provide a number of advantages in the land real estate industry from data acquisition to cost-effectiveness. Drone technology is quickly becoming an invaluable tool for surveying land and collecting data regarding properties. With the legal regulations surrounding their use becoming clearer and more accommodating, it is necessary for companies to utilize this tool to improve daily operations. As drone technology continues to evolve, it becomes increasingly important for land advisors to keep up with the technological landscape.

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